Night out out

We had such a good night celebrating #2 daughter’s birthday that I’m posting this the next day, having not gone to bed till after 2am.

I treated myself to getting my nails done in the afternoon - bright purple to match the 1980s silk jacket I resurrected. (Sheila removed the shoulder pads for me when we stayed at New Year.) Then I walked to #3 daughters in Gosforth to see the children before they went to an activity weekend with the cubs. Nathaniel was a bit nervous as he doesn’t really know any of the other boys very well yet - cubs is based in Heaton so not in his school area - and he had expected to be in a dorm with Ella, but boys and girls are in separate dorms. He’d be fine.

Luke was working so couldn’t come out with us to the Roxburgh in Whitley Bay. There was no menu choice - it was a taster menu which was delicious. We chose to have the pairing wines - the glasses were more generous than we expected so we were all very chatty and jolly. The only downside was when the waitress added 100% to the bill for the tip. Luckily I was not too cheery to let it pass.

The jollifications continued when we got back to #2’s house, though around midnight only #3 and I remained.

Surprisingly we are all feeling fine this morning though I might not feel up to the 15 mile walk which #2 did yesterday with a friend. She took a day’s leave and they walked, after dropping the boys off at school, to North Shields for the ferry then down to get fish and chips in South Shields before walking back.

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