
I woke early this morning as I had my vaccine appointment first thing.  Its the first time there has been a slight sprinkling of snow and icy roads so I left for Exmouth very cautiously.  Fortunately the roads were ok and there hadn't been any further snow on the way.  The vaccination process was very quick and efficient, I was given the Pfizer one.  My husband had the Astra Zeneca one a few weeks earlier.

Once back home I remembered there was a U3A zoom meeting with a talk by Dr Daniel Craig an Evolutionary biologist who was talking about the evolution of birds to the present days ones.  It was very interesting and well presented.  I then had a short time to prepare for the book club zoom meeting in the afternoon.  We had all enjoyed reading the novel and we had a good discussion about it.  Its a pity though that a few members of the group aren't prepared to try zoom meeting.  They are hoping we can meet up in person soon.

After this I hunted around the house looking for geometric things to photograph.  I didn't realise just how hard this would be.  In the end it was the wire rack for cooling down cakes placed at height above some striped cushions.

I had thought I had a quiet evening and then remembered another zoom meeting on macro photography by Colleen Slater which was very good.  So 3 meeting in a day but they were all very different and enjoyable.

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