Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


Very quiet day, the kids just wanted to chill around the house and in the street.

First task was to get Eco daughter some roller blades and some astro trainers for football. This was accomplished first thing.

I wanted some silver sand for the carrots and a mattock, so dragged eco daughter to the garden shop.

Back home for some homemade soup and to give Eco son his requested magazine, only given out when he got dressed.

Got a phone call from the boy I am helping with maths, he popped down to go over a couple of questions that he could not work out.

Nipped to the allotment to drop of some cucumber seedlings to the greenhouse. Chatted with Mr Allotment and hatched some plans for common areas.

Eco daughter wanted to camp out, so pitched the tent in the back garden, Eco son was building various ramps and bikes and skateboards, great imagination.

Alas Eco daughter favoured indoors next door so took the tent down just before a shower came through.

The tadpoles have hatched, much activity in the pond as the frogs have reappeared. I was wondering if they returned to protect the tadpoles? The newts have returned, we spotted a huge one, either ready to spawn or full of tadpoles, I am going to try and blip a newt eating a tadpole, great to watch.
We also saw lots o last years newt tadpoles they are tiny.

Bought a new rose for the watering can, it used to be red too.

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