Pleasant Walk
I woke early this morning and sneaked out so not to wake the rest of the house and went to dig at the allotment. Did the cabbage patch and put weed fabric under the Tayberries. Met up with Mr Allotment to plant some trees in some common areas. SO we planted hedging plums, blackthorn and hawthorn, hopefully this will stop them dumping stuff. Planning to put the weed fabric around these soon.
Came home and went for a walk with Eco mum and Eco son by the Pentlands. We stopped by a pond and watched 2 newts courting, I assume this is what they were doing, lots of tail wagging and chasing each other.
We walked and Eco son cycled around through trees or over various structures.
He was good company today, treasure these days in the teenage years.
Just a quiet evening in, have a good weekend.
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