Still light 5.40pm!

Woke to a dull cold day.  Quick trip to town. Bitterly cold on the bike, ears and fingers in pain from the cold.  Queueing didn't help. It was that dry cold which turns roads and paths a very pale grey. Glad to get home. Made veg soup for lunch. Still no sunshine when l walked the hound. Sun made a brief appearance mid-afternoon leading towards an almost clear skied sunset just before 6.  The days are getting longer.
YouTube video popped up on my tablet 'The Power of Poetry, with Helena Bonham Carter and Jason Isaacs ...' . It's 2 years old and is  about William Sieghart's Poetry Pharmacy sessions and books.  The benefits of poetry in assuaging human conditions. Do check it out.
Where has the week gone?!
Have a good Friday evening, stay warm and safe.

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