What next?

Late rising, often like to listen to the radio if i wake up early.  Radio 2's Tony Blackburn and Sound of the Sixties is a welcome listen.  Used to loathe Blackburn's cheesiness but age seems to have mellowed me.  Recently been enjoying dipping into 4extra's offerings too. Coffee and croissant breakfast and then a hound walk in beautiful sunshine and fresh breeze.

Prepared dinner. 

Finished The Bees by Laline Paull which as a former beekeeper I enjoyed.  Pulled a few books off my shelves to choose another. Noticed that they are all by female authors.  Accidental and not my habitual criterion. My last two books were by Nicholas Evans and Matt Haig.  Plumped for The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

Enjoy your evening and stay safe.

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