Comfort food

It was very nice to have D home (particularly his body warmth!). Didn't get out from under the duvet for some time and then I don't think I went out of the house all day (if I did, I forgot the camera). D went up to the allotment to feed his wee spudger pals - took him ages due to the business of walking carefully on uncleared snowy/icy pavements. Would have taken me twice the time, being twice as paranoid. Did some more maths - shall have to be careful not to be taken over by it. It pays the bills, mind.

In the evening, drank wine, watched daft things on Netflix and laughed a lot. I find that I only have the desperation pic of our tea for a blip - it's a bacon roll, true English peasant food (well, they'd likely have boiled it in a bag, but same ingredients). The only recipe I ever got from my late ex-mil - Sheila was a fine person, but, according to her only offspring, an 'effing terrible cook'. A certain blipper in Hartlepool may recall his voice booming out this information in the Albion pub in Farnham, about a hundred years ago.

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