Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My tulips had passed their best days, but they are still beautiful even dried. I didn't want to just trow them away, so I came up with the idea of putting the flowers in a glass jar and cover it with a doily crocheted by my late grandmother. I liked how it turned out. :)

I finally replanted one of my Geraniums. It's a scent geranium and it smells like orange. It has a fighting spirit, I must say! A bit ragged now, but still alive and replanted. Hopefully it'll be happier now. It has periods of unhappiness and it's been in a funk for a couple of weeks.
Still have two plants to replant and two pots to remake as candle holders. I've found candles at the supermarket I'd thought of buying, and today they were on sale. I bought two lavender coloured ones and I'll blip the result later. :)

13. What abilities are you grateful for?
I'm highly sensitive and an empath. Those abilities have helped me out several times, so I'm grateful for them. :) 

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