Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today I turned 50 years old. Time really flies!
I started my morning with opening cards and presents. Such lovely gift's been given to me! I got video calls and phone calls all through the day. :)
I made heart shaped scones for breakfast. Then hurried to get ready for a walk and a chatt with a good friend of mine. She brought gifts too. We had a lovely walk and a catch up.
My local supermarket gave me a cake, arn't I a lucky one! :) It tastes delicious! And in the evening I got flowers delivered to my door from one of my cousins and her partner. Even though Covid put a stop on a big celebration, for now, my day's been fab! :)

14. What sight are you grateful for today?
Must be the sight of my friend, and also all the wonderful gifts I've received! :) I had to make it plural. :) 

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