
By mindful_life

Freezing Friday

The weather seems so cold at the moment and during my run today I took this photo of a very large lake that was frozen. You can just see the sticks on the water and in the distance the Swans walking on the ice. 

I was prepared for the cold wearing my thermal running trousers and a pair of joggers over the top, two long sleeve tops, a Gillet and a jacket and a hat. It was still cold though.

After running it was business as usual with my day job and it was very busy as expected. There was talk of an evening meeting next week to discuss the sharing out of some work of my boss who is leaving. I have to say I am not too thrilled about this - evenings with the children are precious. But everyone else is in agreement so I think I will have to go with the majority.

This weekend I am planning on doing my usual half marathon run Saturday and then get on with some more writing... Happy Friday everyone. x

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