Goat's Town

Lockdown 3 - Day 40

We set off for Wales just before 8am and arrived at 9.20 for our first viewing.  This was the house that just came on the market yesterday, and we really liked it, but obviously we needed to check out the area and see the other properties too.  As I thought might be the case, the house is part of a Probate, and Audrey the old lady, passed away in October.  Her two sons are Executors of the Will, but one son lives in Staffordshire so is unable to go into Wales because of the lockdown, and the other son who is local is shielding, so his wife came to meet us.  

The house was built in 2004 and Audrey and her husband Bob bought it from the builder, Bob passed away in 2008 and Audrey has lived there on her own ever since.  It's immaculate although the fixtures aren't ultra modern, but it's a great house in a great location that has everything we want.  We asked if it was possible to view it again later in the day after all of our other viewings, and arranged to go back at 4.30pm.

We then went to view the other 7 properties, none of which compared, and when we returned for our second viewing, it confirmed our original thought.  We said that we would pay the full asking price if they agreed to take it off the market, but she said that we would need to speak to the agents on Monday.  However, she did call her husband to tell him and he said he'd speak to his brother tomorrow.    

It was a bitterly cold day and it started snowing, well, it was more like ice so we got rather cold and by the time we got to Llandudno, it was snowing quite heavily and the roads were white. As we turned into the road where the house was, we were met with the famous Llandudno goats who had formed a road block.   They're Kashmir goats and live on the Great Orme, but in the first lockdown in March it was all over the news that they came down into the town and went on a bit of a stampede,  Then in this most recent lockdown they returned  and one  was even found inside a guest house!  It was so funny seeing them, they were going in everyone's gardens eating the plants, and people were coming out and clapping their hand to chase them off.  Of course, I took the opportunity to capture the moment and I've added some extras.

While we were in Llandudno, we called to have a quick 'distanced' chat with my old school friend Clare and her husband Mike.  They live on the road leading up to the Great Orme and when I told her about the goats, she said they often have them in their garden too!  

After seeing all of the houses we went back to the first one and we both agreed that this was the one for us and we will speak to the estate agent on Monday morning to make a formal offer.  

We picked up a Thai takeaway for dinner and opened a bottle of fizz which we shared with mum, and watched the final of The Masked Singer.  It's been a full on day, but we both feel excited about our potential new house and area.

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