Life In Wales

By KarenC

Poynton Pool

Lockdown 3 - Day 39

Mum's been ok today after her procedure yesterday, the biggest challenge is the numerous amount  of eye drops.  I did them for her this morning and at lunch time, but have encouraged her to try herself tonight as after Sunday we won't be here to help her.  I've drawn a chart though and colour coded the three different bottles  and put the times that she has to take them and stuck this to her fridge, so hopefully that will help.

I went to meet Debbie, my old school friend at 11.30am for a walk, and we went to Poynton Pool which looked beautiful, it was completely frozen over and very white!  It was a gorgeous day, but freezing cold at -3 degrees.  It was lovely to see Debbie and have a socially distanced catch up.

I went back to mum's for lunch and then drove over to Warrington to pick Violet and Scarlett up from school and provided a couple of hours childcare which was lovely. It was crazy hair day at school, and the girls looked great with long colourful plaits (see the extras).  Rach was working so I only saw her briefly, but it was wonderful to have that time with the girls.  They got upset when I said I had to leave and they kept asking me to stay.  I messaged Rach and asked her if it was ok to tell that that we were moving closer and she said it was.  When I told them, there were excited cheers from both of them, and Scarlett asked if we were moving to England!   I laughed as for some reason, she's never thought Brighton was in England - it is a little different, I know, but why she's thought that I don't know, probably due to the distance.  Anyway, I told her that we were moving to Wales, to which she got excited again and said 'I've always wanted to go to Wales'.  When I came to leave Violet got very upset and wrapped her arms around me and begged me to stay, and when I explained that I had to get back to Grandma, she said 'we'll come with you'.  Poor little thing really didn't understand why I couldn't stay and why she couldn't come with me.

I called at the chippy on my way home and got fish and chips for mum and steak and kidney pudding, chips and gravy and Alan and myself.  It was icy cold though, stood outside for 20 minutes waiting for the food!  I met another old school friend, Stephen Hodgson who I haven't seen since leaving school, it was amazing how I recognised him with his mask on, but it was his voice.   So we stood and had a chat which was nice.

Anyway, it's late again and I'm off to bed.  We have a very early start tomorrow - a new house came on the market today and we've managed to get a viewing at 9.30am.  It's going to be a full and exciting day - fingers crossed we find something! 

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