Remembering .....
...... DAD.
My dad was a great chap, always looking for and finding something to do. The only thing was he would go at it like " guns and roses " ( as they say)! Then a few hours latter he had nothing to do, and what's more he was "knackered "!! However he was my dad and I loved him and still miss him greatly. Born on this day 1902 ,so he ( like all in that era) went through the 1st W. W. and the 2ndW.W. He was an estimating engineer by trade and worked at Dunlop in the West Midlands, so in the 2nd W. W. he was needed in the munitions factory ( I guess it was to preserve as much of the countries finances as possible?) . We had no car then so he had 2 X 40/45 minute bus rides twice a day. Then when home he was on Fire Watching or ARP . So I'm proud of my dad altho' he wasn't on the front , he ( with others) put himself in danger and saw some awful sights , along with retrieving the poor dead. Along with all this he watched the church , where my mum and he were married , burnt to the ground. That must have been a heart breaker.
It was hard to find a photo where my dear old dad hadn't got one or both hands in his pocket(s) , that in its way was his charm. I know my mum used to get quite annoyed at times, but that was dad, and it takes age to make you realise that it really was his charm.
I've chosen a selection of photo's that mean something to me .
1st my lovely dad
2nd top left mum Roy me & dad , special cos' it was on Wenlock Hedge , just before my parents moved to Shopshire.
3rd middle top dad & mum on Eastborne promenade
4th top right dad & mum going over to Ryde I. O. W. This was before I was married in 1958 the week I'd passed my finals to become a nurse. This was a weekend away in Southsea , so we incorporated this with a few hours in the I. O. W.
You would have though I was the only one who's ever passed her finals , my dad was so proud, it was a joy to see him.
So that's my DAD in a nutshell. I'm so pleased to have known him.
Hope you're all enjoying the raised temperatures today , stay safe everyone.
Thoughtful ..... of everything that has been done , & still is, to keep us safe on this beautiful earth .
R. I. P. DAD
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