Shrove ......
....... Tuesday.
This is the obligatory Pan Cake day blip, OK , OK , I won't use Plain Flour but it a blippers " Poetical Licence "!! The day marks the day before Lent begins and is when all in Anglo - Saxon times the Christians went to church to be forgiven for their sins by the act of Shiven carried out by a priest. Also known as a feast day before the 40 days of Lent.
I've taken my trot round the block, gets more difficult every time , quite a lonely dull walk but it has to be done.
My daughter C is taking her daughter to her 1st house in Pontifract Yorkshire . She and her partner are very excited , expecting their baby in late June makes for an extra excitement too.
Today's temperature has risen it's 8%c in S. Croydon but it's dull & damp outside. Must say its better underfoot for me tho'.
Well now I'm going to have a cup of coffee, a few more stitches of Tapestry then , thrill of thrills I'm going to make PanCake (s) for one , like many a lonely existence . Call for a song - - - Oh when will it ever end , when will it ever end! Ok . Ok so I've changed a word ( end , instead of , when will they ever learn etc ) that's another blippers poetical licence !
Well these silly bits make you smile ( I hope) there's little more to make you smile at the moment.
Do hope you're all having a good and safe day, enjoy.
Thoughtful ..... On " Words" , part of our discussion last night. How many do we use correctly/ wrongly & do we always think before we leap as they say.
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