Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

One of the lilies from the Birthday bouquet I got yesterday. Beautiful, isn't it? :)
I've been so tired today so every plan for today will be a plan for tomorrow instead. 
One of my plans were to go out and try to make frozen soap bubble orbs. We're going to have cold weather tomorrow too, so I'll have a new opportunity. Never done those before, but they are so beautiful. Fingers crossed!

I'm not sure when this happened, but I think I have a new upstairs neighbour... That is, the one making a lot of trouble for me is gone! First sign was a couple of days ago when I was out to get my mail and got an 'hello' from a woman of the same hight and built as my (former) upstairs neighbour. I was surprised, but happy. Thought that finally she's becoming nicer... Today she was coming out when I was going inside and I realised that it was a new, much nicer, neighbour! Yay!! :)
It has been really quiet for many weeks and I started to wonder. No one is scraping down the floor anymore. Blissful silence. Happy Days! 
My last video call yesterday was from my uncle and his wife in Russia. Whats app is really a fab app! I didn't have their number so at first I was a bit suspicious but got a very nice surprise when I answered. He's my dads younger brother and has always called me 'Little Anna'. We talked for a while, and it was nice to see him, to hear that he's good and talk with his wife too. Him in Swedish, and her in English.

15. What season are you grateful for?
Spring, no doubt about it! When it's getting warmer outside, but not too hot. When nature wakes up again and seeds being sown earlier have to be replanted. I love spring. :)

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