Old pennies (and a threepenny bit)

Fifty years ago today we left the old pennies behind and started decimalisation with New Pennies. I remember the event well, as I was in my first or second year of teaching and we had to bring the process into the school curriculum. I am sure I remember every day in the classroom listening to Jimmy Young and some jolly jingles which were supposed to help. I also remember that the Education Centre in Bradford set up a workshop and teachers could go along and make measuring equipment, for example metre sticks and trundle wheels - it was great fun. I wonder how accurate they were. 

Although obviously centimetres etc. are much easier to work with, I think many of us still have a better image of say 6 inches or 8 ounces than the metric equivalent. It is significant that I took the photo on my table which had the cutting mat on it, measuring in inches. The influence of the US on patchwork means that inches remain in that sphere. 

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