
Today's the day ……………………….. to make music

Look what arrived for me by carrier today - the most beautiful mandolin.  It's a (very) early birthday present from Will, giving me lots of time to work out how to play it, before the actual day in April.

I've had a go at playing a few musical instruments in my time, the last one being a violin, back in about 2003.  I had lessons and everything.  But then I went and broke my shoulder quite badly - and although it mended, it took a long time before I could go back to playing the violin.  In fact, if I'm honest, it's still quite an awkward and uncomfortable position for my shoulder and, as a result, I have tended to avoid my violin.

So the mandolin is more than just a lovely-looking instrument that I would love to be able to play.  It's permission to stop agonising over unfinished projects and to try something new and exciting.

I can't wait to get going ………………….! 

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