Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

The sun is back!

Today was a gorgeous sunny day. It is amazing how a nice day can raise your spirits.

I took a new route to work today and saw this bridge from the road. I was taken by the interesting curving span and love the symmetry of the two arches. It was surprising to find such a graceful structure in a random country park.

I chose this one because I like the perspective, but the camera had a tough time with this shot because of the bridge was in bright sunlight and the water was much darker. The resulting shot over-exposed the bridge and so I had to resort to PS to adjust it. I probably should have shot an HDR, but did not realize it at the time.

One final point is that this subject is very similar to yesterday's. I almost didn't post it because of this. However upon comparing them, I realized that this is actually quite different.

Brightness layer and mask to adjust bridge overexposure

Constructive criticism always welcome

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