Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Struggling for inspiration

With continued gray weather, I struggle for inspiration. The sun was shining briefly this morning, but it soon disappeared and the cold gray weather returned. It is not an environment conducive to photographic excitement! Yesterday I was fortunate to find the old barn and today I am feeling a bit frustrated. The good news is that I am happy with the way this shot turned out and the choice of B&W.

For this blip, I drove past the barn from yesterday and kept going. I passed this river and decided to shoot it. it is a prime example of a water reflection.

I like this image because of the stillness of the water and the symmetry of the shapes. I like how monochrome emphasizes the reflection, simplifies the image and adds drama. I also like how the B&W version de-emphasizes the vines that I think are distracting in color. Here is the color version if you are interested.

Channel mixer to convert to B&W

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