
By Appreciation

Pancake Day

I've made pancakes for years but today I almost forgot. It was only a reminder from Korea that made me jump to it.

A busy day of phone calls, difficult but all positive. The snow has gone and there was lawn today and a path to the bird feeders too.

The lunchtime cauliflower soup was sooooo good, (sometimes you just make it perfect), that the pancakes don't get a look in.

But best of all is the news of a new visa from Korea. I had been awake checking my phone most of the night waiting for news. I fell asleep about 4.15 and the message came through at 4.30!. So pleased that my boy has once again taken on something difficult and turned it around. He is a force!
Sadly Korea do not have a wheat flour that you can use for baking or pancakes. He will just have to survive without them this year and have a dumpling or bimbap instead.

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