Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Pacific Ocean at Laguna Beach

We haven't taken the 45 minute drive to the beach since January. So for date night we drove to Laguna Beach to have dinner and simply watch the waves and gaze at the water. A canopy of clouds caused the muted colors, but that just added to the loveliness of the ocean.

No school next week--spring break--so today I prepped my classes for the quiz that will immediately follow their break and for the in-class essay they will write the week after that. So they have work to do during this break and so do I. I have entirely too many papers to grade, so I am hoping to get a few done in the next day or two because I probably won't get many graded during the break.

Thanks to all for the comments on yesterday's blip -- I was more than frustrated when after 3 hours of trying to upload with Blipfoto NOT opening, I gave-up and went to bed. So first thing out of bed this morning, I was thrilled that my blip uploaded.

Good night from Southern California (with the continuing promise of rain from the local weather forecaster).

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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