
We werent sure where to go for our walk today As its officially half term most of the places we considered we knew would be busy. The problems of lockdown is that as everybody is staying close to home what might have been usually a quiet place to walk is now usually busy,
One of the woods would have been been ok but it has become very muddy underfoot.. so we settled for a walk up to the park which is big enough for us to keep socially distant from everyone.
The only place that was very busy was the children's playground.. very crowded with children and adults in and not a mask in sight!

We walked home the longer way so we were out a couple of hours. 

Not too cold but still woolly hat weather. A nice stroll up to the dock at teatime.. and its staying lighter for longer.  Good to catch another sunset though. One hardy fisherman had pitched his tent for some night time fishing. 

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