love is a verb

By loveeveryminute


We had very special visitors to the pond! A whole armada of green wing teal and a couple of gorgeous wood ducks! We had snow flurries off and on all day, not further accumulation. The sun was bright and gorgeous most of the day despite the cold: single digits early with a high around 29F. These guys seemed to relish the cold, frolicking and darting about. See the extras! Hubs is a lucky duck himself! Seeing Something in the water, he grabs the camera , goes to the porch and starts snapping. Said, I’m not sure what I got but I think it’s ducks. He got the money shot of the day: the wood ducks! Even though he took it, I processed it and had to put the drake in the extras to show you guys! He was banned from the camera the rest of the day. :—) A neighbor and I got on the ATV this afternoon and enjoyed the beauty around us.
We are expecting freezing rain the next two day, possibly over 1/2 an inch. We may be in the dark. We do have gas heat and hot water, thankfully. This is unusually cold for us!
Stay safe and warm!

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