The shoots
I went to the dentist! First time in about a year. He’s taking precautions (ooooerrrr). Yep, all the magazines have been removed from the waiting room. I felt so much safer - I was always a bit worried about them, y’know, that I could catch something from them. Horse and Hounds. I mean, that could be costly.
Anyway, having inspected the old piano keys, I was given a clean bill of health. And another bill for forty five squidders.
Making my way down the garden afterwards, and with the snow having precipitously disappeared, I was struck by the appearance of the bulbs. Yep, they’re definitely appearing. Here’s a photo for McC the elder - he always loves my botanical photos.
What other news? Despite record numbers of useless old farts being vaccinated, we were treated to a most downbeat message from LaFM… “… our exit from lockdown is likely to be even more cautious than it was last summer. And secondly, probably for a while yet, 100% normality is unlikely to be possible.”
Though there was a tiny chink ..."Of course, all of that said, we know that we cannot continue in lockdown indefinitely.”
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