
Our local stone circle on a day where the weather changed every five minutes.

I'm undecided about this apparently ancient Monument.
A couple of common artifacts have been found that date from 1600-1800BC which is the right time frame, but this area is full of ancient settlements.
The stones are all Shap Pink Granite which was highly praised by ancient man in the North.
They've all fallen over time, a couple have been used in a nearby wall and some were apparently even blasted in 1862 to clear the field.
I also still remember old Ed telling me that his Grandfather always told him the stones weren't there when he was a little boy.
A part of me wonders if it was an ancient farming prank.

Either way its a funny spot. None of the stones stand more than a meter tall and I'd guess most passers by don't even know its there in a corner of a field mostly hidden behind a stone wall.

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