
We're generally off on our walks in the morning, working up an appetite for lunch. Today though the weather was unenticing, and we spent most of the day on the sofa bingeing on more Babylon 5 remastered. It's great that Janet seems to have overlooked this show and I get to enjoy the fantastic dialogue and slightly nineties uniforms all over again.

So it was getting late in the afternoon by the time we set out and fairly dark by the time we got home after a squishy 9km around the fields and lanes. It gets exciting on some of the more well trodden rights of way, when in the darkness your feet decide to go into deeper mud than you had anticipated. or slid off in a different direction altogether. Still, we made it home.

Having taken no photographs all day I was going to run with the cheesy selfie but I liked this clump of trees, shot upwards into the fading light.

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