Saturday's painting...
...I have a perfectly behaved cat all night and this morning.
He only woke me once, sat on my chest, and patted my left cheek with his paw. I turned on the light to see what he wanted. He went to the edge of the bed with that 'follow me?' look he has, so I got out of bed, and he sat besides the second bowl in the row of cat food bowls (don't ask, but in case you are wondering he has 5 different bowls in a row. One particular food goes into each different bowl. He sat by the second bowl which means cat yoghurt. So I put some down, went to the bathroom, and when I got back he is still sitting by the bowl which is now empty. Seconds? He says.
I am sure that cat has been watching Simon's Cat.
Because I was a very good, very well trained mistress, seeing to his every whim, he let me sleep in until 5:30 am....
And I am allowed unlimited uninterrupted access to my iPad this morning. I don't know I am born.
Here is my painting for today, by my hand only....the inspiration was the moon outside my window which looks like this....
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