
I was locking up yesterday when it got dark, and when a Royal Mail card got pushed through the door.
It tells me to look in my safe place.
I open the box, and there is a delivery of bulbs...my double snowdrops.
It was supposed to be next week!
I opened the box.
They were supposed to be 'in the green', not in full bloom!
It was a miracle they were still intact.
Popped them in a bucket of water, and they look nice and perky this morning.
Which is more than can be said for me.

I have been up a few hours already (it's 5:30 am now) writing postcards for my American pen friend. She wanted castles from all over the UK. I have a selection, and I have been writing the history and a few fun facts about each one. And then I will bundle them in an envelope and post. I love lighthouses, so she is sending return envelopes of lighthouses. Anyway I was just doing Scotland this morning. And I decided to paint one of them (I hadn't looked up the history of it yet) in ZenBrush3 (still behaving itself).

I have no idea why I picked this castle from the 50 or so postcards I have on Scottish castles. Then I googled it to write about it. Now I understand even more what my father was talking about. He was in the RAF. A wireless operator. And the last couple of years in Second World War was in Scotland. And he spoke a little of radars, and directional torpedoes, and other radar stuff. And it ties in with what I just read of the training of RAF bomber crews. This castle, Tantallon Castle, played a role in those preparations.

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