Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hello, my pretty!

First off, thanks for sending Phoebe and her tongue to the Spotlight page today! She's all full of herself now, as you might imagine. She's been lording it over Rocket all day. A bit short sighted of her since his teeth are WAY bigger than hers, and he's known to be cranky (hence the nickname "The Dark Lord"). But I digress...

Had piles of work to do today plus 90 minutes of PT so not much time to play around with the camera. However, while I was farting around working at my desk, I noticed this little chickadee looking in the window at me. This usually means they want more seeds, but there were plenty so I think she/he was just curious. Yesterday morning when I went out to put out some fresh seed, I was besieged by at least 10 chickadees - I didn't realize that the feeders had run out overnight so they were all buzzing around me, wanting me to hurry it up. I don't usually hand feed them, so they are not sure about landing on me, but a couple of the bravest ones managed to overcome what little fear they had and dive bomb my hands. They are so utterly adorable. I felt a bit like I was in a magical movie.

For those who have taken time to write comments, both about the lens and the FX format cameras, thank you - all the comments and suggestions are very, very helpful. So much so, in fact, that I am planning a sortie into NYC on Sunday to (wait for it....) visit B & H Photo!!! Or, as I like to call it, Mecca. That is a store one could spend days (and many thousands of dollars) in... I'm taking Hubs with me so that I won't get into too much trouble. I am still debating on the lens. Since I am going to keep my D90 body, I can still use it on that ... or I could go ahead and get the 28-300 lens which could be used on either body. Decisions, decisions...

I'll be back later to check in on you - so behave yourselves!

And Happy Birthday to fellow blipper and good friend Sue (Journey Through Time!!


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