Highway Creek

Now that I'm a blipper, I have the urge to capture all of the photo-op spots that I have passed up or procrastinated in getting. Hence, today's blip...

This lovely spot appears to be nestled in the woods, the kind of spot you'd be pleased to happen upon during a hike... But no, it's right along a local highway. I drive over it almost daily and in the winter I often think , "Man I've gotta try to get a shot of that". But how to get to it? There aren't any side roads particularly near it and it's out of the question to park on the side of this road. So, I donned the snowshoes again... Highway hiking, it's interesting...

I have always envisioned this in black and white, so here is my attempt. Still trying to finesse my mono skills... Really, this is much prettier on a day that the trees are full of snow as well, but I had already hiked there, so this is it.

There are so many beautiful places around here and when the snow melts I will have more access to them. Come Spring, my outings should be less of an obstacle course.

On to month number 2 - Thanks for helping me celebrate my little goal yesterday!

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