
By Mindseye

Outdoor activities

A better night, we both slept prety well, and felt all the better for it! Hub didnt want to tempt fate but he sensed he felt better.

Id decided to get out for a proper walk having had far too many days of inactivity, leaving me feeling lethagic and lacking in energy! Hub was quite content propped up in bed, having been fed and watered ;-)

I wanted to get 10,000 steps in as,quickly as possible, to find my level, before starting my March walking challenge, which I know youre probably sick of hearing about by now, but just in case youre not ;-) you can show your support by clicking on the link below. Ive been blown away by the support so far, I am past the £600 mark now :-0


Todays blip was taken whilst I was out doing my 10,265 steps in just over an hour, not a bad pace, but I can tell I am much less fit than I was this time last year :-/ Anyhow have to start somewhere! The blip is, I suspect, a mother and daughter out for a gentle hack, around the footpaths, which sadly contributes to their muddiness, but they are not restricted, so no complaints from me, plus they gave me a lovely blip :-) There were lots of families out, walking their dogs, so I donned my mask a good few times as groups approached, just to be on the safe side.

By the time I got back I was really warm, too many layers for such a mild day. Hub was up and dressed, chatting to daughter saying he felt better :-) I signalled I was going on our coffee run and got a big thumbs up. I needed a couple of things,for lunch too. The roads were quiet and I was soon on my way back.

Coffee's hit the spot.....then I dsappeared into the kitchen to prepare lunch whilst hub watched an episode of Battlestar Galactica.
A nice tiger bread roll filled with roast ham and egg mayo for lunch.

The afternoon was taken up with a few phone calls and chats with friends. We watched a bit of footy, a bit of horse racing, compiled our list of questions for hubs consultant tomorrow, hub drew a diagram for daughter following their design discussion this morning. She is revamping her back garden. Middle son and DiL have been busy repainting their lounge too, a feature wall of a very bright blue, ehich despite my reservations looks nice!

Dinner tonight was roast topside of beef, roast potatoes, carrotts, broccoli and gravy......it was nice & tender, tasty too!

Not sure what we will be watching to ight, but I will have one eye on my teams game, 7pm kick off, late for a Sunday, not on tv either.

Fingers crossed for a positive start to our new week and that hub feels better still by the morning.

Wishing you all a good and safe new week, lets hope our PM has some positive, but sensible news to buoy us tomorrow, fingers. crossed. .

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