Eye eye.....

or should that be Iris Iris.....look whats sprung up!

A fairly decent night, hub feeling a little more improved again. After breakfast we sorted ourselves out, showered and readied for this afternoons appointment......we had an early light lunch and as it was so lovely and sunny, left home earlier and stopped off for a coffee before heading to the hospital.

As we drove into the drop off point to drop hub off, obviously lol, we couldnt believe the queue of patients along the outside of the entrance, never seen it so busy!! I left him waiting and drove to the car park, then returned, just in time to gain entry with him, as he was next in! We had our temperatures checked, with all the usual questions, but had to wait to one side, with several other couples, as they always want to check,on the system, to make sure you have got the necessary permission to be accompanied.

Hubs appointment time was approaching so I told him to go on ahead and I would follow asap, as last time. I waited for snother 15 minutes and just as a nurse was approaching me, hub rang to say he was going in to see his consultant.... she quickly checked his records, gave me the nod and I all but ran through to her clinic room.

Everything is pretty good, tumour massively reduced now. The head scan did show a small lesion, but they are not overly concerned. They have suggested hub has a break for a month from any appointments, as they are happy things are stable, his bloods are good, so they sent him packing to enjoy his 70th next week. The next thing will be contact from the Radiotherapy team for discussions regarding preventative treatment to nodes in his chest. The option of similar treatment to his brain was mentioned, but the side effects can be significant, so hub has all but ruled that out already!

We left feeling fairly positive overall......hub happy in the knowledge that he doesnt have to go back for a few weeks......lets hope this,lovely weathher continues and as Boris has now outlined where we are heading, some things to start looking forward to :-)

On the way home we were discussiong dinner, I had decided we would have fish tonight, but hub thought differently and fancied a McDonalds on the way home, so thats what he had ;-). I had seabass, with some bubble and squeak, and griddled courgettes....which I really enjoyed.

The evening has just,disappeared...lve been updating family and friends, which obivously results in questions and exchanges back and forth. Hubs already gone up.....so Id best get a move on now or I will be in the dog house ;-))

Take care one and all

Oh.... nearly forgot, if you would like to support my walking challenge in March, just click here :-) thank you


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