Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Historic Shelter Shed

We were on a mission this morning to ensure that this historic shelter shed at Hargraves Lookout was not under threat of demolition.  A letter had arrived from the Blue Mountains City Council announcing an upgrade of the Hargraves Lookout area, but had no detail about exactly what the changes would involve.  So, we decided to head down there this morning and check out what was happening if anything at this stage.  We had already established last night that they had blocked off vehicle access to the Lookout from about 400 metres from the Shelter Shed.  Not a sign of any activity though at this stage.  

Super sleuth ME decided to call the Manager of the particular department involved and as luck would have it he answered the phone.  Apparantly they are doing a major upgrade of the pathways and the railings on two of the Lookout areas.  At the moment they don’t comply with regulations.  The good news is, the Shelter Shed will stay.

Now the incredible thing about this particular Shelter Shed is that if you sit in there and bring out your Thermos and picnic basket and set yourself up for a hearty lunch it’s all fantastic except for one thing, you can’t see the view.  It has always amused me that it was really built the wrong way.  Nonetheless it is a very historic structure and I couldn’t imagine Hargraves being quite the same without it.  We will keep you posted on progress!!

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