Mother nature , rocks.

A busy day for us both. Some of you will remember that my Dyson vacuum cleaner went away for repairs last August. Luckily, it was still under the five year guarantee, but when it came back it was still giving off a smell of electrical burning. It had got to the stage that I have been afraid to use it for more than five minutes at a time, which is no good at all. I phoned this morning, and to cut a long story short, it's being picked up tomorrow, and will be returned in five working days. As the sun was shining I washed the mattress protector and the bedclothes, and they are all blowing happily in the wind. I made cheese scones, which we had for lunch, and this afternoon, J has to clean the Dyson, ready for it's hospital visit. My coffee creamers were delivered earlier, so all is good. 
I hope this fits the challenge for today, which is Overlay, rocks. Thanks to Carolina for hosting.

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