Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Faking it

We bought some stickers to cover up old fireplace tiles. This is the outcome. Rather pleased with it actually, it will do until we find the fireplace of our dreams.

Fireplaces have a mystical quality, like mirrors and wardrobes, which is why they figure in fiction. Think Marley’s face in the coals in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, or using floo powder in Harry Potter - or come to that, Santa coming down the chimney on Christmas Eve.  And even a dormant fireplace hints at the all consuming, passion inducing, phoenix-like qualities of fire itself, the primordial bringer of both civilisation and war -

Think I might be getting a bit carried away here.

Back on earth, we had a reasonable morning. I helped TSM dye her hair. We went to the garden centre. Toby came back and put the door handles on. In the afternoon I gave in to fatigue and watched an episode of Star Trek Discovery. Exciting stuff as The Captain’s dinner party descends into chaos, Symbiont life forms wag their tentacles, and the crew have a get together in the shuttle bay to watch holographic movies of Buster Keaton.

I would have done more today but energy levels and the weather got in the way. Not sure if there is cause and effect at work here. Does the weather effect my energy levels? Or, more mysteriously, does my life force impact the meteorological conditions. Is the universe an extension of me or am I an extension of the universe? Or both, simultaneously...

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