
By Alberta

Faces of India Swami

We went down to the Ashram to thank Swamiji for all the support he has given us. He had invited us for breakfast and when we got there there was a group of travelling Swamis (a swarm of Swamis?) all eating breakfast already. Mr A joked that it was SwamiA, B, C, D, E and F as well as our Swami G! These Swami's have no permanent home but they can stay at any Ashram and the ashram will give them food and money when they leave ... I think Mr A was tempted by the idea!! I am wary of taking photos as I know that some Swami's prefer not to have their photo taken but this lovely man seemed very pleased and agreed readily wanting to see the photo after it was taken. He had such a twinkle in his eye. Must be a good life.

We had a feast of a breakfast and when we left Swamiji gave us a little bottle of golden liquid that he said would cure any pains - I totally believe him. It looks like walnut oil.

A Swami is a Holy Man and the ji after anyone's name is a sign of respect like Sir

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