Roadside weeds

I managed to get out to the Waimakariri River mouth around the time I'd hoped to. Not a lot was happening but ever the optimist I cast and wound. It would have helped if I hadn't had technical difficulties had problems with my knot tying. I thought I had the knot to attach braid and mono line sorted. Apparently not.

I gifted several lures to the river/sea so back to the fishing shop I'll go to get my knot tying sorted. Even with a knot that worked (a nice bloke helped me) I didn't catch anything. But that's ok. I accept hunting and gathering is like that. Being out and doing it is the main thing.

The adjacent settlements to the river mouth - Pines and Kairaki Beaches, are badly damaged from the first earthquake in September 2010. Many sections have been cleared and some places look sunken or lopsided. Others look fine but you never know the true picture from the outside.

I had a drive around and felt sad. I think the government has said much of the settlement has to go. A few places would still be baches (holiday cottages) but most are homes. And what a wonderful place to live.

I liked the roadside weeds with the strong lines repeated in the fence. I'm a little weary tonight. I guess that could be all that running in the hills I started the day with.

Best I stretch a few kinks out of my legs and hips and put myself to bed.

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