Not A Great Day

More wind
More rain

On top of all that the shop was heaving with both shelf stackers and on-line shopping pickers. 
There is definitely a demarcation line between the under 30s and the over 30s in this group. Unfortunately there are far more of the former group because they have no consideration to shoppers and will block the aisles with their 'trolleys', barge past without any kind of social distancing (even stretching over you to get something as you bend down) and never a please or thank you - whereas the over 30s will move out of you way, wait, thank you (should you wait or let them past) and even ask if they can help you find an item.

I saw a video of 'different' ways to photograph things and had an idea .... which wasn't going to work as I was missing a vital ingredient. So I bunged the fisheye lens into a grater.

I went to the hairdresser today.
Well, I trimmed my beard and hair.

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