Out with the old, in with the new

This lady started work today at our NGO, DidiBahini. I hope she has a better time than we have had! Today was our last day, and it went well. It was a long day and I had loads to do but at last the website was released (which was more than a VSO volunteer managed to do here in the past!).

You can see it here (remember I am not really a website designer, so be kind in your comments! (And I wouldn't recommend using I.E. either...)).

So we leave with our heads held high and proud of our efforts and professionalism, we have met some lovely people and had lots of interesting experiences. We have also learned a lot. There are also lots of questions and doubts about how to best contribute to a good cause...

After the long day we visited a few locals that I had taken photos of to give them hard copies. Something that always feels nice to do. Our last stop was our favourite restaurant where we ate lots of beans and chana masala. They were very lovely to us and offered us a drink so we sat and had a chat with them. The main man then said "wait here 5 minutes, I will be back", and in 5 minutes he returned with a specially wrapped present for us! It was a lovely brass pot, which is considered good luck in Nepal. It was a fantastic and genuine gesture and made up for any negativety we had felt earlier in the day. We visited the kitchen (something I hadn't wanted to risk before we left!) and had our photos taken with the whole gang. We were moved.

Then it was our last bus journey home and straight to a new pizza pace that has opened down the road. It was lush and I ate all of my massive pizza :-P

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