Five things

By fivethings

Can't find nothing on the radio

1. This is the opening of that song by REM on Out of Time. I once said it as I switched on the radio and that song started immediately.

2. This other time we went to switch the radio on on a Sunday evening and I said, it'll be god o'clock though, switched it on and a choir blasted out 'Hallelujah from Handel's Messiah.

3. Then there was the time I driving to a work thing that was making me stressed. A thought about my dad popped into my head and the next song that came on was 'Won't get fooled again' by the Who. Dad's theme song.

4. Just yesterday I was talking about a time in my life and Cold Play's The Scientist came on. It'd take too long to explain what that meant.

5. I love a right good 'oh my god, that's pure freaky, I was just thinking about that' moment.

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