I call this one...

"Off the coast of the EU"

We took a long, leisurely drive out to Windermere, today, going west along the southern part of the peninsula as far as Newby Bridge and then north up the eastern side of the lake. How's that for a cardinal sentence?

Most of the time Abi comes with us, sitting in the back listening to some music while Dan drives and either we chat or I look out of the window. These days, it's only in towns that I feel any need to keep an eye on what he's doing. Or, more to the point, what other drivers are doing.

I like to have flowers in the house and I bought a couple of bunches from Booths. Regrettably there was this casualty before I even made it back to the car.

Reading: 'A Treachery Of Spies' by Manda Scott

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