Three vessels, three purposes
Quite a pleasant day today, if you enjoy a bit of wind, a bit of rain and a fair bit of sunshine! Did some gardening this morning, well potting up some Seemannia and Achimenes rhizomes at least.
Took the camera for its usual walk today, down through the ferry terminal where I had a chat with Pat, one of the CalMac guys. When I was Head Gardener at Ross Priory back in the late seventies probably, we had a team from Community Industry, the scheme for unemployed youth at the time, working under a stone mason. Between them they completely rebuilt the Walled Garden wall - quite an amazing feat. I'd discovered Moon Gates just about then so they incorporated one into the wall! You can see it here, tho' this is a much more recent picture and not
mine. Https:// Anyway, CalMac Pat was one of those lads working at Ross Priory on the wall! Forty-five years ago? How is that possible!
Here we have the Northern Lighthouse Board's 'Pharos', the RNLI's 'Mora Edith MacDonald' and the CalMac 'Clansman', the latter setting off for the island of Tiree! All go in Oban!
My extra today is of a trio of stalactites growing from the underneath of the ferry terminal.
Quote of the Day:
Voltaire – “Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
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