The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Done Deal

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

And of course Albert’s phone didn’t arrive today - apparently the DPD driver was sick*. To be honest, it’s actually a blessing - Penny is very confused and is calling repeatedly which is really hard for Albert.

My brother-in-law came round this afternoon. He informed Albert that he has ordered walking aids for him (which will definitely be useful and safer) and although the fait accompli approach was not well-received, it prised open a door. I spent some time alone this afternoon with Albert and felt privileged to be part of some difficult and special conversations, punctuated with tears and laughter.

We had a random Netflix choice tonight - The Peanut Butter Falcon which was perfectly uplifting. Like a hug for my brain.


*Established after another lengthy conversation. I’m thinking of putting Vodaphone on speed dial.

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