Mistle Thrush #30
Lockdown 3.0 Day #53
Since we spent half the morning shopping and helping mum with the preparations for when Dad gets home, adding elephants feet to chairs and bed, cushions etc, we didn't have time for a long walk so just did a short walk from home on our usual lockdown loop. I was hoping to see the Redwings and Fieldfare again, but they were nowhere to be seen. Instead there were two Mistle Thrush poking about in the soil.
In the afternoon, we spent some time in the garden in the lovely sunshine - perfect gardening weather. If only the ground wasn't still so wet - it makes it all so difficult, especially with the clay sticky soil that we have. But at least we got some things done. My seedlings seem to be doing OK on the sunny windowsill, but the ones I really wanted to germinate, Verbena Bonariensis, have so far not appeared. I will leave it another week or so and then try again I think. The other seeds, I'm just experimenting with to see what I can actually grow :)
Dad continues to do well in hospital and fingers crossed he will be able to come home on Sunday as planned.
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