"Big Ellie"

I was sitting in the sunroom, with camera poised, waiting for a bird (any old bird, I wasn't fussy) to appear and thus prevent an otherwise blipless day when my eye fell on Big Ellie staring at me from the windowledge behind the Flumlet's bookcase, (which is where it ended up after the windows were cleaned yesterday).

I don't think that's its proper name but the smaller one has been called Ellie so deserves the recognition as it is so much bigger - 80 cms long from the tip of its trunk to the tip of where its tail used to be, and 60 cms round its middle. It was made for a very young Miss Flum by my Aunt J, survived remarkably well apart from a slight bursting at a seam or so but still standing more or less upright.

So far it has managed to avoid being a part of the Flumlet's parade of elephants, probably because it is just too big.

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