Bus stop

Not the best photo I took today but one to remember it by, which is what this journal is about I suppose -or it is to me at least.
With Hubby away in the Motherland, we are without wheels this weekend. Today Grace restarted her ballet lessons after a couple of months' break. She's moved up a class and now has two half hour lessons with a half hour break in between. Her first class starts at nine. A friend kindly offered to give Grace a lift with her daughter who is in the same group, but when I'd mentioned going on a bus Grace's eyes lit up and she had to go that method instead.
So it was that, just before eight, we found ourselves at the bus stop along with a curious cat.
Grace was transfixed the whole bus journey there and back. She sat on her own near the back staring out the window, a mad grin on her face and shouting periodically for all to hear "I've never been on a bus before" , which is technically untrue as she's been on a couple when much younger. However, when you live where we do, buses are a rare thing. Ophelia sat next to me the whole time clinging on to my hand and asking what all the signs and posters said.. Arwen nodded off in her buggy. Actually the journey was very relaxing. It was a beautiful, sunny spring day and the countryside looked magnificent. I could relax and look at it without worrying about driving. At our destination, there was no faffing around with seat belts or getting a sleeping Arwen into a carrier or buggy as she was already in it. It was also probably cheaper than by car. I think we might go by bus again sometime.
Grace seemed to enjoy her lesson apart from a wobble at the end when she had to deal with a change of plan (not something she finds easy). After ballet we walked into town to the independent book seller to spend the girls' World Book Day tokens. I also treated myself to "How to Avoid A Soggy Bottom" - a baking tips manual that I'm looking forward to dipping into. You pay a pound or two more at these stores but you can't recreate the experience of browsing and shopping there in a supermarket or online. The girls were in seventh heaven.
Back in the village I was feeling both lazy and decadent so we went and ate chips at the Tea Rooms. And on the walk home we stopped off at the park for a while to run off some energy.
All this made us very tired later in the afternoon, so apart from a Tesco delivery (with a particularly canny, chatty driver) , the rest of the day was uneventful. I can't stop, however, without sharing the cream of the latest batch of jokes the girls made up over dinner:
Q: what do you call a bus with no wheels?
A: a rectangle

Q: why did the raft go to the best dress party?
A: because he had a dress

Q: why wasn't the queen wearing no knickers?
A: cos the lion eated her bottom all up

I'm having an early night.

61/365 completed!

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