
I think I need to start to try and get Arwen into some sort of daily routine rather than her being fed completely on demand and generally fitting her into everything else that's going on. I'd much rather feed her myself for a full six months but as I'm going back to work when she is barely that age, I haven't got time on my side. Her sleeping is getting more set into a pattern in the daytime but bottle feeding isn't going so great. She drinks a few ounces but is then always seeking comfort and more food from me. She will be weaned onto solids very soon so when she reached for a piece of cucumber at lunch time today I let her take it. It had the double advantage of being soothing on her sore gums too.
Lazy, lazy day today.
Hubby back now after his weekend away. Nice to have the family all back together.
62/365 completed!

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