By lizzie_birkett

Sunshine and feet up!

After a foggy and a quite frosty start the sun came through and we had blue sky all day!
Frank went to Tesco's for a few things and got a Bosh Lemon Cake.
Once it was warm enough, after lunch, he put the garden chairs outside.
I sat with my foot up, a cup of coffee and the Weekend magazine. Bliss.
There were loads and loads of people on the tow path opposite the boat. Walking, biking, jogging - chatting in groups when they met people they knew,  no social distancing, no masks. I'm glad our bit of towpath is private and doesn't go anywhere unless you are in the know ;-).

I think people are taking a mile when they are being offered an inch and that not till mid March.

Now I'm inside on the sofa - foot up again. 
This time with a beer. Frank is making pasta for tea.

I've finished Febcreate now. I really enjoyed it but will be happy to do my own thing now.

Thanks for comments, stars and hearts.
Enjoy your evening :-)X

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