By lizzie_birkett

Yes, I am still knitting the same jumper…

…it takes me ages, mainly because I leave it lying there for a couple of weeks then pick it up and do a few rows. I enjoy it when I do though.
The rain hasn’t stopped all day but it’s supposed to be dry tomorrow fingers X’d.
The extra is my drawing of a Cormorant for Febcreate. Having been brought up in Liverpool I drew a Liver Bird which os meant to represent a Cormorant.
I was determined to write a light hearted poem today instead of a war related one.

A Few More Rows

It rained all day today - yet again!
I thought of the things I might do
On a wet and miserable Monday
A jigsaw, read, maybe a sketch or two?

I couldn’t settle down to any of them
So I thought I would pick up my knitting
And we lit the stove as it was chilly
So now my needles are clicking

I’ve almost finished the front now
Just a few more rows to go
Then I can start the back at last
I go at my own pace - quite slow

It’s not really that I’m a slow knitter
It’s more that I forget to do it
I put it down and do other things
And on the back of the couch it sits

My knitting is always touch and go
Will it fit? Will it be neat? Will it shrink?
As long as it’s wearable I don’t really mind
The pleasure’s in the knitting - don’t you think?

Frank made a delicious chickpea and coconut curry for tea - Yum!
We’re going to watch more Afterlife now - I have to say that although I’ve really enjoyed the series, I find it has become rude and at times vulgar as the series has gone on. I don’t like rude and vulgar - call me old fashioned!
The main bits of the story are so good and I wish he hadn’t spoiled it in this way.

That’s all today. Praying for Ukraine and peace. My heart breaks for those women and children who have had to leave husbands and Daddies behind.

Goodnight Blippers. :-| X

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