
By ayearinthelife

Wired For Sound

Or, more accurately, bluetoothed for sound. A beautiful sunny day today and I was determined to complete a decent run. Warmed up gently with a trip into town for a coffee and a bit of shopping before lunch but, by half two, it was put up or shut up time. Problem was that my Achilles tendon is still playing up so I wasn’t sure if it would stand up to a 10K.
Normally, I don’t bother with music whilst I’m running, but I reckoned that if I listened to something as I ran it would distract me from any aches and I would probably cover the distance without really noticing it. To make doubly sure of that, I took off on a random route so I wouldn’t continually be thinking about how much further I had to go.
And it worked - to a degree. I didn’t notice any aches until after I’d stopped and 10K arrived well before I thought it would - so much so that I actually did an extra kilometre, just because I could! But, oh, the pace was slow! And not just due to the fact that I had to keep stopping because connectivity dropped out several times and needed to be restored.
I think I’ve said previously that I like to run without listening to music so I can appreciate what is around me and I can also clear my mind. When I do listen to music, I like to really listen to it and appreciate it. On the radio this afternoon, it was Johnnie Walkers Sounds of the Seventies and with so many good “toons” to listen to, I found myself slowing to a gentle trot on more than one occasion to listen to a particular song, which all added up to a very slow 10K.
The batteries lasted exactly long enough though - powering off just as I stopped running.
As you can see, these particular buds are a cheap copy of the Apple version. But they sort of did the job. I think the intermittent connection issues, dodgy sound in one ear and limited battery life would put me off using them to seriously listen to anything. But for providing background noise whilst running they were just about acceptable. So back on charge they go, in case I need to use them next month.

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